Monday, March 8, 2010

What Liz Cheney and Bill Kristol are Actually saying...

Imagine what horrible fate awaits my enemies when I would gladly kill any of my own men for victory. ~ Xerxes, 300
Similar to the ridiculous 300 version of King Xerxes, Liz Cheney and Bill Kristol are ridiculous characters on TV who let it be known every Sunday and many times in-between that they would gladly see any number of innocents die in order to achieve their goals.

The latest 'Al Qaeda 7' ad has stirred up much controversy. But, while it is true that Liz Cheney and Bill Kristol hate President Obama so completely they will fear monger, attack and lie about him and his administration everyday; the reasons they are doing so are as old as civilization itself.

The way the American Legal System is sometimes encapsulated is with Blackstone's Ratio, 'Better a hundred guilty men go free than one innocent man suffer.' But to Liz Cheney and Bill Kristol and their like-minded Conservatives the exact opposite is true. More precisely Liz Cheney and Bill Kristol don't care about justice, they care about and crave power. And if that power must be gotten through the deaths of hundreds or thousands of innocents or the wanton sacrifice of the military then so be it.

Liz Cheney has ridden Dick to get into her position, a parasite who lives by sucking off other men in Government. She doesn't care about the lives her lies and propaganda destroy and why should she? None of her children will ever be put in Harm's Way. None of her children will ever be sacrificed for a War for Republican Profits...

As a Police Officer I hate to see bad guys get away especially if I've put in some work making a good case against them. But, I am keenly aware of the coercive power of the State (something which Conservatives sometimes acknowledge - more later) and the necessity of a good, spirited yet legal defense for the defendant.

Conservatives claim to revile the Power of Government, but it's a lie. Conservatives only fear Government when the wrong people are in power, usually Blacks but always when it's a Liberal. When Conservatives are power they use the destructive and coercive power of every single level of Government to advance their personal beliefs, to curtail human rights, to enshrine ignorance, to steal money and to empower themselves for future power grabs.
*Please Note: This above post is abrogated in the case of Republicans, in those cases the State is persecuting an innocent and no amount of evidence will ever convince them of a Republicans guilt and Republicans can lie, fabricate evidence if they are in pursuit of the Republicans goals of stealing money, oppressing the poor and killing innocents.


  1. My favorite aspect of this comedy is the ironic hypocrisy of ignoring Bush Administration DOJ lawyers who had also defended terror suspects.

    What's that phrase on the ServPro commercial - "like it never even happened".

  2. "When Conservatives are power they use the destructive and coercive power of every single level of Government to advance their personal beliefs, to curtail human rights, to enshrine ignorance, to steal money and to empower themselves for future power grabs."

    Just like liberals.
    See a pattern here? Maybe it's not ideology, maybe it's human nature.

    Maybe that's why the founders set up a federal government of limited and enumerated powers. Maybe that's why they put firewalls in place to keep one person or group from controlling it all.

    Maybe that's why a political oligarchy funded by crony crapitalists have made a swiss cheese of those firewalls and now use our constitution as a doormat.

  3. Here is were you equivalency is false.

    When in a position of power anyone can succumb to money or avarice.

    But, Liberals do not run on a platform of demagoguery. Conservatives claim it is the Government in and of itself that is evil. Liberals claim it is the Conservatives in the Government who are the evil ones.

    And the Liberals are correct.

    However, I agree with Jesse Ventura and dislike both parties but I know a vote for a Republican is a vote for theft and murder so I choose the Liberal or if possible the Socialist.
