Sunday, March 28, 2010

Surprise! Andrew Breitbart is a Racist...

A while ago I posted: Now while criminal James O'Keefe is a racist, Breitbart does appear to look past skin tone. Breitbart will accept anyone who lies to advance conservative values of theft, murder and hatred of the poor.

I was wrong. Here's Andrew Breitbart's beliefs (not linking to Breitbart):
There is no reason in 21st century America on an issue that is not a black or white or a civil rights issue to have a bloc of black people walk slowly through a mostly white crowd...
Yeah, Breitbart wants to remind you to know your place, and if racial slurs or spit land on you it's your fault! Everyone knows Breitbart is an uncouth jackass who is lucky to be alive in the 21st century for his antics would have resulted in his demise were the code duello still in fashion.

But, Andrew is feeling giddy and is revelling in his Racism because his man-child James O'Keefe is going to avoid hard prison time and can go back to working over Breitbart.

James O'Keefe and his Watergate Jr. Gang (Stan Dai, Robert Flanagan and Joseph Basel) are agreeing to a guilty plea on lesser charges.

Now, this means there is a good solid case against O'Keefe and the Watergate Juniors because even the most overworked incompetent Public Defender tossed a case 15 seconds before it goes to trial attempts to mount a defense and win the case, but a State's Attorney will always take a 100% known conviction rather than go to trial with a 0.1% chance of acquittal. So, now we will always be able to preface James O'Keefe with the label Convicted Criminal...

But, far from undermine O'Keefe's credibility his status as a convicted criminal will endear him to the Right. Because if there is anyone the Right and Conservatives love more than their Racists like Andrew Breitbart and R. Limbaugh, liars like Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin or Chicken Hawks like Karl Rove and Dick Cheney it's Criminals.

The Joys of the Republican Party a jumble of Racists, Liars, Chicken Hawks, and Criminals, i.e. Punk Ass Bitches.

The Yes Men call O’Keefe, Breitbart ’sad and pathetic’ for targeting ACORN [Raw Story]

What Racism at the Tea Parties? [LGF]


  1. Good job! Keep the lefty meta-narrative going. They did the photo op and you dutifully fall in line and propagandize about it.

    Funny how all those staffers with cell phones couldn't capture one slur in all that footage they took...

  2. Silverfiddle, everyone knows the Breitbart and Video have squeaky clean history together.

    And what "cell phone" do you have that can discern individual voices out of a mob of irate screaming bigots? Is there an app for that?

    Well, pat yourself on the back cause just like Breitbart, You Lie, my post has the evidence of Breitbart's racism. It's in his own words but I understand when you have to attack thousands of blogs everyday defending bigots like Breitbart the individual content of anyone post loses it's specifics.

  3. Breitbart is really disgusting. I don't know how he sleeps at night.

  4. Have a bad day wanding crotches, Gene? Only fat ugly wenches in the TSA porn scanner?

    Show us the video and audio of the slurs against Congressman Lewis.

  5. SF, I refuse to play your game. No amout of evidence is enough for Republicans and Conservatives. The Right engages in shameless Special Pleadig to excuse their racist anti-american terrorist behavior.

    All Conservatives are Anti-American Liars and Cowards.

  6. No evidence, no case. As a law enforcement officer you should know that...

  7. SF, please there is evidence, you just choose to call the eye witnesses liars. It's special pleading as always from the Right.

    Unless you believe without the Zapruder Film JFK would still be alive...

    And please don't move to Illinois because I would hate to have you on a jury and you declare the scum buckets I've arrested not guilty because video doesn't exist.

    BTW, the world does not cease to exist when you close your eyes and put your fingers in your ears.

  8. "There is no reason in 21st century have a bloc of black people walk slowly through a mostly white crowd..."

    I think the same argument could be used by black gang members to justify doing whatever they wanted to white people who enter their neighborhoods.

    But of course they don't use this argument. Crips and Bloods are more honest than Republicans.

  9. Green Eagle, I trust the piece of shit Gangster Disciples and Latin Kings I have to deal with more than any Republican.

  10. I would move to China before moving to the failed liberal experiment known as Illinois. At least in China a capitalist has a chance...
