Thursday, February 11, 2010

Shoes or Underwear? It Don't Matter Republicans Will Lie

This shit is Bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S! ~ Gwen Stefani, Hollaback Girl
The Redupelican Party platform is to lie. And when those lies are demonstrably shown to be false, lie more.

It's a prerequisite of being part of the Republican Party, other prereqs include being a Chicken Hawk, a Bully, a Bigot and a Punk Ass Bitch. Seriously, College Republicans have an enrollment form which requires their prospective members provide bona fides. For example Conservative Darling and male ward of Andrew Breitbart, Domestic Terrorist James O'Keefe had to do hours of fieldwork with Stormfront and other White Supremacist Groups in order to have the conservative imprimatur to start a Conservative Bigot Publication at Rutgers. Of course, it may be simpler and O'Keefe like most Conservatives is just a Racist Bigot who likes to attend White Supremacist Meetings.

However, while racist terrorist James O'Keefe is the smooth chested "friend" of Andrew Breitbart, The Redupelican Party long ago implemented a plan to titillate their unthinking conservative base with female fluffers, like Dana Perino and Monica Crowley.

That way when President Barack Obama implements the same procedures that the Bush/Cheney Junta used to prosecute Terrorists the Fluffer Perino and Crowley can lie and engorge the racist conservative ire.

So, Monica Crowley claims the US did not have military tribunals in place before 9/11, that's why the Shoebomber and the Underwear bomber are different. It doesn't matter that every member of the US Military learns in basic training the UCMJ was adopted in 1950 by President Truman and the US Congress. It doesn't matter to Crowley that Andrew Jackson used a military tribunal to try British Spies in the War of 1812. No, what's important is to have Crowley lick her lips and breathlessly mouth Obama is a Terrorist, as a sort of subliminal programming for the vegetative conservitve rabble.

Dana Perino is another typical Republican woman. A pretty package and a tight mouth from which only the narrow lies of the Redupelican Party are allowed to pass. Dana Perino lies the Shoebomber and the Underwear bomber are "apples and oranges" and she is Bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S! I'm surprised Fox News didn't give her a Banana to eat while she lied about President Obama.

Of course, the Reduplican Party isn't all about T&A, sometimes they need to hold aloft a scion, a model Conservative male for their base to relate too. So in steps doughy, flabby jowled, wide waisted Newt Gingrich to convince the aging pasty rich white guys Obama is a secret Muslim in love with Terrorists when Gingrich lies and states: 'Oh, the shoe bomber was an American Citizen that's why he got a civilian trial and not a military one'. Just like Newt that lie is a big fat oozy steamer.

However, Redupelicans being natural and cultivated liars and their duped conservatives can't ever admit when their lies have been exposed and tell the truth. No, they just lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie and lie more...

Sadly, I wish the Underwear bomber would be tried in a military court and sentenced for a war crime, deliberate targeting of civilians, and executed instead of his trial in the civilian court system. But, then I also wish the Redupelicans would stop Lying. And we all know that neither of those wishes will come true.

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