Sunday, September 6, 2009

Trust the "Obama" Government?

And now, folks, it's time for "Who do you trust!" Hubba, hubba, hubba! Money, money, money! Who do you trust? Me? I'm giving away free money. - The Jack Nicholson, Batman (1989).

President Obama is not the Progressive Superman, a mythical hero fighting for social justice and against tyranny, hoped for and it's not that much of a surprise. Any politician who rises to the level of the Upper branches of the Federal Government can only do so via Matrix-esque Corporatist implants. Obama's no different in fact in continuing many of the previous president's policies he appears to be Bush-lite. The really disheartening thing for me is the Warfare State continues.

Marines are still dying and Americans still don't give a fuck except that they should be shielded from their deaths.

My chest aches at listening to the monologue accompanying the heartbreaking images of the LCpl Bernard but it's 1 of the 5163 dead Americans sacrificed for American Interests. And so few, seemed to give a fuck when any of the other faceless pumped their heart's blood onto foreign soil for Interests...

The Corporatist Kleptocracy cares more for money than blood. This is well known, that Obama allows this to continue is not an unexpected punch to the gut but a dismissive hand flip from the War Machine.

My own active involvement ended, thankfully, four full years ago, but my tacit approval continues to this day. It continues because I have a good (nicely paying) job now, a home, free time and a settled life... I'm too afraid to make any big waves which would overturn what I've got and that's the problem that's what the Government relies on. Because America is such a land of plenty, most Americans are comfortable with the status quo. My kid didn't die in Iraq, I'm not facing unpayable medical bills, I've got a Silverado and a 50" LCD, why fight?

Of course, Birther Teabaggers are making waves but only so Dick Cheney can regain power and he can continue their subjugation at a faster pace than Obama is pursuing...


  1. Glad to see you have given up the idealism and are finding yourself in the midst of capitalistic middle class comfort...

    From time to time you will experience angst..but it passes...

    the memories will eventually come back to you but by that time you will be too old to do anything about it and way too much in debt.

    Wait until the day you buy your first collectors set from Time/Life Music...that is when you realize that you have reached the point of no return...

    Got my first one just five years ago..."Have A Nice Decade - 70's Pop" and don't know why because I didn't listen to Pop back then...

  2. I have said, and I still say, that we're perhaps 5 years from a total collapse and reorganization. when it comes, there will be more than one country to come out of it. There may be as many as 6.
