Thursday, September 17, 2009

They mostly Hate Obama for being Black, Mostly...

They mostly come out at night... Mostly...

President Carter called out what underlies some of the hatred for President Obama. He's Black. Race is a component of the hatred but it's not the main one. Ignorance is the main issue. Ignorance of how The Nation got here...

Of course, the Toxic Commentators and outright Racist Republicans, such as Joe Wilson, who Race Bait in order to stoke and feed the misplaced rage of the 912 Teabagging Birtherites don't mind aligning themselves with the Right Wing Racists.

Obama inherited the Republican Party's abject failures during the Presidency of Bush. Afghanistan, Iraq, the Economy, the Border, the Housing Market, The Banking Industry, the dying Automotive Industry. Most of the problems affecting The US today are related to Ronald Reagan's Piss Down Your Back and Tell You It's Raining Economic Model. Bush faithfully applied it using the Power of the Federal Government to ensure that The Super Rich Klepotocracy has the greatest hold on Wealth ever seen in the States.

It is not easy to get poor and middle class laborers to rally against Health Care reform while getting them to Champion Wars, which are used to transfer Trillions into the hands of those who see the Federal Government's role as protector and enhancer of the Opulence of the Super Rich.

According to Glenn Beck, Obama has a "deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture". Can Glenn define this "white culture"? No of course not, because it's not about art, or morality it's about political power. Beck and his Toxic Ilk are working on removing Obama from office and will use any and all loaded language appeals to ignorance and sly allusions to violence that they can.

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