Sunday, January 19, 2025

White Men do not want to Vote for Democrats

    There is so much caterwauling going on in the on-line post-blogging Internet it's making me exasperated.  No Harris didn't lose because of Gaza.  Or Liz Cheney.  Or the Democrats not saving Tok Tok.  All these theories, countless podcasts, articles, accusations, and in-fighting about how or why the Democrats lost again to Trump and MAGA ignores the fucking most obvious problem;

White Men DO NOT want DEMOCRATS!  White Men have been telling DEMOCRATS to FUCK OFF for FORTY-FIVE-FUCKING YEARS!  White Men are not going to vote for a Democrat for President.

Until analysis addresses this unassailable fact and these post-election analysis are just more and more ridiculous attempts at squaring the circle.  All the blather about policies and messaging is so much the biggest nothing in history.  Biden, President Obama, President Bill Clinton tailored much of their economic policy catering to and assuaging the hurt feelings of whites and white peoples response to these Democratic Presidents creating a better economy, more robust job growth, whilst protecting white Union jobs has been to say FUCK YOU!  I'M VOTING TRUMP! 

Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz laid out a good future for America and white men told them FUCK YOU! GIVE US FASCISM!  

Trump and Vance's lies about Haitians about Transgender boogie persons, about Eggs and Hurricane relief going to "illegals" was all smoke to give White Men cover for voting for Fascism.  Because as shit goes south and the Nation crumbles a lot of White Men are going to justify their vile votes for Trump by saying he was better on the "Issues" when policies and issues DO NOT MATTER.  White men are not going to vote for a Democratic President.  Period.

Now, there is some good reporting about higher education, which has seen a precipitous drop in male attendance, is because getting a college degree is coded as Feminine and unworthy of masculine energy.  That study is a female endeavor.  The same heuristic applies to the Democratic Party;  Republicans and their ever-willing allies in the Corporate Media have painted the Democrats as the Queer, Female, and Minority Party.  

But, this is probably inverting cause and effect and reversing the order of events.  And who has been on the forefront of telling White Men, that college is "gay" and they are being swept aside, and anyway they should be pursing Masculine Jobs; Republicans.  Republicans began an agitprop campaign 50 years ago to capture "the working man" (which always means working class whites and have used the ever-evolving propaganda delivery mechanism to reach out and bash these men (and women) over the head 

So, before you produce your trenchant post elections analysis and declare (after there fact) what the Democrats should have done; address the problem of figuring out how you will overcome the White Man (and white woman) problem.  Because Whites see in Trump the last best chance to throw off the chains of equality, the HR department mandated sensitivity training, the terrible burden of treating people who are different with a scintilla of respect.

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