Friday, January 31, 2025

MAGA is destroying the United States; Gradually, and then suddenly

It's not a Lie,
If MAGA believes it
White people love when Republicans lie to them.  The amount of young white fascists who get raging hard boners listening to Karoline Leavitt tell lie after lie and spew racist claptrap during her press conferences is grotesque.

What Liberals and Leftists don't understand is reality doesn't matter anymore, and so-called objective facts are completely irrelevant. 

 MAGA is a wholly subjective political "philosophy" in which outright lies, complete reversal of policy positions, and disingenuous arguments made in bad faith are the dominant method of winning. 

The oft-repeatedly line that you are entitled to your own opinions but, not your own facts is so much rubbish.

I think a lot of Americans are not ready or not willing to accept a very difficult truth;  White People are not only okay with the US Government being dismantled they actively want it to happen.

However, we got here and everyone in the country has their own special little theory, this moment in time is one of Disunion and Dissolution.  The Social Contract has been utterly obliterated and Republicans are going to are, right now, undoing decades of progress and work.

This week Trump ordered the Army Corps of Engineers to open up reservoirs resulting in farmland being flooded in California and claimed it as a great success.

Republicans erased whole swathes of data and research housed on the CDC website. 

Trump removed all mention of the Climate Crisis from the US Department of Agriculture website.

Reuters reported "Aides of Elon Musk" locked career civil servants out of computer systems that contain the personal data of millions of federal employees, according to two agency officials.

What does that sentence mean?  It means a Billionaire Oligarch pulled down the barriers between him and running a large swath of the Government.  It means a Coup in all but name was conducted.  It means the guardrails of government are gone. 

It means the End has come.

White people don't know or don't care about any of this.  To them this is all a great big lark.  A chance to make Memes which Own the Libs.  A chance to text that nephew and tell him to cry harder.  A chance to laugh at the pain and worry expressed by an LGBTQ person or an immigrant family or liberal co-worker they've always hated.

There's a knee-jerk reaction, especially amongst the useless and counter-productive Left to Blame the Democrats.  I think some people want performative nonsense to fight back.  But, White people told the Democrats at all levels to Fuck off and choose this monstrosity and nascent tyrannical authoritarianism so right now the Dems can't stop anything the Republicans are set upon doing.  Unless the blame the Democrats left want actual physical violence room the Representatives?

 Fortunately, it seems the anonymous and heavily slandered career federal employee is the bulwark standing against the Treasonous Trump Regime.

(Editor’s note: EPA staff have been instructed to speak to the media only through approved channels. On Wednesday, HCN approached dozens of federal workers outside the agency’s main office. A handful agreed to share their experiences from the past week under the condition of anonymity.)

“A lot of people are upset and confused,” said one employee of the Office of Air and Radiation with decades of experience working at the EPA.

The staffer said that he has worked under several presidential administration transitions during his career. He called the first days of the Trump administration’s second term “unprecedented,” due to the speed with which the president has penned new executive orders seemingly without internal scrutiny. Several of the orders have been criticized as unconstitutional or illegal. New administration or no, “I’m in it for the long game,” said the scientist who works on human-product analysis. 

Another staffer who works in pesticides regulations was asked whether he would accept the buyout. “They’ll have to drag me out before I go,” he responded.

So... what's going to happen?  Well, it's clear white people have been conditioned to hate the Federal Government and are happy to see Trump and Musk and the MAGA brigade tear it all down.  I'm certain they will continue to tell themselves any ancillary harm to people they know or problems caused by these moves is unintentional and once Beloved Leader Trump is made aware he will fix it and if the Government program is really necessary (unlike the $50,000,000 worth of condoms Joe Biden sent to Gaza) surely Musk will make sure it's funded. 

But, be prepared because these moves by Trump are not going to stop and when the collapse comes it will happen, as so often it has been observed, gradually, and then suddenly.

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