Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Destroying the US Government

    I went to the Veteran Evaluation Services (VES) page to check on my upcoming appointment.  Thanks to President Biden who championed the PACT Act (bitterly resisted by Republicans in the Senate) I became available for possible benefits due to my exposure during deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq.  Anyway the VES page had a strange error message and re-logging in took me to a blank homepage with links that did not lead me anywhere.

Well, Trump just shut down appropriations across the entire United States government.  Everything.  All manner of agencies and all manner of programs.  White people have wanted the US government destroyed for years and it looks like under Traitor Trump they are going to get it good and hard.

Yesterday, January 27, 2025, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued Memorandum 25-13, entitled “Temporary Pause of Agency Grant, Loan, and Other Financial Assistance Programs.” The far-reaching memo states:

[T]o the extent permissible under applicable law, Federal agencies must temporarily pause all activities related to obligation or disbursement of all Federal financial assistance, and other relevant agency activities that may be implicated by the executive orders [recently issued by the President], including, but not limited to, financial assistance for foreign aid, nongovernmental organizations, DEI, woke gender ideology, and the green new deal.

It further states the purpose of this pause is to facilitate review of all awards for potential impacts of the recent Executive Orders.

Republicans have flirted with shutting down and doing away with multiple parts of the Federal Government for a long, long time.  Rapist Trump has made his entire career doing illegal shit and daring anyone to try and stop him.

Fascism is a Lark
To most uninformed White People this is a huge lark, a giant Yes! He's stopping all THOSE PEOPLE from getting my hard-earned money moment.  Their moment to bask in the reflected glory of Trump and his Billionaires, compliant Congress, and Supremacist Court taking a hacksaw to the Gordian knot of the US Federal Government.

And I am absolutely certain those MAGA acolytes and devotees will simply smile and clap expecting their benefits and their medicare and their federal dollars to be turned back on any moment now by their fat fvcking fascist Overlord.  And Trump's cabinet of grotesqueries may in fact be able to restart programs to the tyrannical Republican States while fucking over Democratic led States. 

I'm tired of hearing from anyone how Harris ran a bad campaign or the Gaza situation cost the Democrats the election, or any such nonsense from the accelerationist Left or the savvy centrist pundits;  Every single time Harris, or Tim Walz, or Pete Buttigeig, or Gavin Newsom, or whatever Democratic operative, candidate, or sitting politician said the Republicans are going to steal your Social Security, they are going to swindle the American people out of our Nation, they are going to destroy the country, the Corporate Media pushed back and told everyone, 'Naaaah. Democrats are lying.'  When Harris pointed out Trump and Vance were lying about Haitians eating cats or the draconic inhumane and illegal actions MAGA was going to take to hurt Immigrants legal or otherwise, the Corporate Media said, 'Bothsides make assertions who knows what's true?' And when Harris said on the debate stage Project 2025 and the abolition of Freedom, Liberty, Self-Determination are precisely what Trump will do in Office, the Corporate Media threw a multi-week fit and screamed over and over and over and over, 'TRUMP HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PROJECT 2025! NOTHING! NOTHING! NOTHING!!! DEMOCRATS ARE BIG LIARS!!!'

And so here we are, with CNN's blaring headline 

Trump administration denies it is pausing all federal grants after sweeping memo to government agencies

So, here we are with a bunch of terminally on-line assholes, who spent the last year undermining Joe Biden and then undermining Kamala Harris, demanding the Democrats do something (and ignoring the things they are doing while the Democratic Party has literally zero control of zero branches of the Federal Government) while the Corporate Media continues to assure White People that everything is fine.

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