Sunday, June 30, 2024

It’s not time to Despair it’s time to Rally around Joe not toss him aside

 Traitor Trump is taking victory laps in his fascist rallies since the Debate.

I admit the night of the debate was deflating but, I realized as my co-workers texted memes at me these were people who were going to vote Trump no matter what and of course the rightwing media was going to denigrate, besmirch, and slander no matter what.  

More distressing were the erstwhile liberals, leftist I told ya so, and media pundits who shit themselves and then shit all over President Biden demanding he withdraw.

Well... FUCK THEM!  Traitor Trump needs to withdraw and won't.  There is a pathology of defeatism which has been part and parcel of the Democratic Party since Ronnie Raygun There You Go Agained them into a defensive crouch.

I'm with Will Stancil, who posted on X-Twitter, history is going to view the video of President Biden being the only person standing up to Trump's torrent of bullshit and lies a lot differently than we did that night.

Trump is an outright fascist, a rapist, a bigot, and a thief.  And Joe Biden has the courage to stand up against him.  I'm not going to let Trump steal the White House and fuck over millions of Americans because a bunch of people keep pointing out Joe Biden is old.

The first fucking question in that abomination of a "Debate" should have been 'Who won the 2020 election?'  But, instead it allowed the Traitor to spew lies about abortion, about Roe v. Wade, about immigration, about social security, about everything, and we're going to sit here and declare oh well, Joe's old we therefore have to allow the consummate conman and Traitor back into the White House.

Look Republicans love lies and hate America but that doesn't mean we need to allow them to regain power because we're depressed or worried about Joe's age.  Depressing and suppressing the vote has been the tactic of Republicans for decades.  It's time to decide what you believe in and what you're willing to do.  Because even if Trump's cabal of criminal confederates can't pull off their Project 2025 scheme, they have no intention of allowing American Democracy to exist anymore.

Stop fighting a rear-guard action, take the offensive,  Joe Biden's Presidency has a record of substantial progressive accomplishments (which is why Traitor Trump has tried to take credit for everything he didn't do) from withdrawing from Afghanistan to the price of Insulin, student debt relief to infrastructure but, the Corporate Media hates him because he distrusts and dislikes them, so they've decided to undermine Biden at every opportunity and just dismiss Trump's wild lies, categorical criminalist, and continued bullshit of blaming Nancy Pelosi for Trump's attempted Coup and overthrow of the United States Government.

Republican lies and perfidy didn't begin with Trump and they won't end when Donald dies shitting himself on his gold plated toilet.  Fortunately, a lot of stalwart and successful Democratic officials have rallied to Joe Biden's side, as befits defending a Good Man against a fucking disgusting lying criminal.

President's Obama and Clinton both issued good statements.  DNC Chariman Jamie Harrison pointed out that President Biden has always had our backs so we should have his.  And the Philadelphia Inquirer finally stood up and said Trump needs to withdraw, so stop calling for President Biden to withdraw when a wholly unfit for office Fascist Traitor is proclaiming his goal of Ending the American Experiment and ushering in the transformation of the Nation into a NeoConfederate White Supremacist Evangelical hellhole.

As, the Philadelphia Inquirer editorial states, Biden on his worst day remains lightyears better than Trump on his best.  The least you can do is vote to stop Trump and his Fascist design for America, do more if you can, and be brave because Republicans have their eyes on the Big Prize, the Ultimate Prize they lost in 1865; the destruction of the United States of America and the creation of a Nation built upon christian hatred and white power.  The pain, sorrow, and hell Republicans yearn to visit upon millions of people and are already doing in States they control should let you know the stakes.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Debate Night Disaster

This was just absolutely too excruciating to watch.  A complete and utter disaster.  President Biden appeared frail, misspoke repeatedly, and seemed confused.  In short, He looked old.

Expecting a frail old man to combat Traitor Trump's torrent of lies in a debate was foolish and downright stupid.  Trump's spewed bullshit throughout but, he did so Very Strongly...

The Corporate Media is going to love this; Confident Strong Trump v. Doddering Old Joe...  MAGA is already celebrating.  Perhaps it's too much to hope it's too early a celebration and Joe can pull it out in November but, I doubt it.

So, what is really at stake?  The Very Nation itself...  President Biden doesn't look up to the task.  I know, I know...  This won't change committed peoples votes and the old leftist blog-o-sphere Dailykos, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Ballon-Juice are drawing out the debate defeat of President Obama in 2012 or Ronnie Raygun's senile performance in 1984 as incumbent President's who pulled out victory. But, anyone relying on the electoral power of the Incumbency is fighting a 20th century war in the Era of Social Media Agitprop and Rising White Power.

The calls for President Biden to withdraw as the 2024 Democratic nominee are going to be deafening.  And, unfortunately, I think Joe Biden should step down...  The fate of American Freedom and Democracy should not be upon the shoulders of a rapidly aging Joe Biden.  Just as Biden shouldn't have been expected to combat Trump's non-stop firehose of falsehoods, expecting him to stave off Fascism is missing the point.  We, the People should have stopped Trump and we haven't.  Trump has been lying relentlessly for years especially about the 2020 election but, also about his years in office and more importantly about his attempt to Overthrow the United States Government on January 6th.  No one in the Corporate Media dares to call him on it, it's left to comedians.  Elected officials have failed to punish his Autogolpe.  And Republicans, of course, have encouraged and been emboldened to push the boundaries of American society to the breaking point.   

Trump plans to institute a murderous Fascist Regime and Steve Bannon, Steven Miller, Faux News, Mike Flynn and millions more Americans are all in on it.  Republicans are already transforming the United States into a NeoConfederate Nation built upon Christian Fascism and White Supremacy.

I thought 2016 was going to be the last gasp of White Power but, it turns out far more white people are totally invested in hurting people than I cared to believe. 

This 2024 election is going to demonstrate just how shitty white people in America are:  I'm not sanguine about the probable results.  I believe a large segment of white men (and women) are absolutely willing to sacrifice everyone who is not them because they think they'll outlast the Fascist Pogroms or that the Fascists will never have cause to go after them.  Certainly, some people (women mainly) realize a white woman here or there is going to unfairly suffer under The Rightwing Evangelical lash but, as a whole white women will be protected, as long as they toe-the-line and support Patriarchy, Christian Nationalism, Xenophobia, Racism, and ruthless violence against The Other.

A lot of people are going to suffer under Trump's Regime.