Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Staging Grounds III: Rightwing violence emanating from Kansas and North Carolina and Tucker Carlson too

Remember the OUTRAGE at Kathy Griffin for her bloody “decapitated” Trump Mask?  The calls for her immediate arrest, the death threats towards her, the Secret Service investigation?  The Cancel Culture???

Republican outrage, you see, is a one-way street.

Republicans not only don't punish other Republicans for issuing death threats and engaging in political violence, Republicans  reward each other.

So, that leads to the case of Michele Morrow in North Carolina.  There is nothing more Republican than running for an Office you don't believe in.

Morrow home-schooled her children yet is running to be the Superintendent of the North Carolina school system.  This is the classic case of Republicans picking a Governmental institution they wish to dismantle and running to be in charge of it.  Once in charge Republicans undermine, sabotage, and work to make Government not work.  Then Republicans tell their brain-washed followers 'Government Doesn't Work' and run on that platform.  It's a cycle of shit regurgitation.  

But, Michele "One L" Morrow running to destroy public schools in North Carolina fits with the long Republican tradition of hatred for public schools and the Department of Education because having such institutions undermines their brain-washing efforts.

Now, besides repeatedly calling for the execution of various Democratic office-holders Morrow descended with other Insurrectionists on the Capitol on Jan6th.  Once again we see the on-going and concerted effort to turn traitors into heroes and the ardent desire Republicans have to make Jan6th Independence Day 2.

Over in Kansas, last Friday, Republicans threw a $300-a-seat Premier fundraiser that included the beating of a martial arts dummy with a Biden mask and Let's Go Brandon t-shirt.

No you are Republicans
You Are This
I am utterly unsurprised that Chickenhawk coward, child-raping, domestic terrorist Ted Nugent was one of the other attractions at this event.  His entire aging rock star milieu is threatening to murder Democratic candidates and President. 

Since, videos of the violent event circulated, Republicans have backtracked and acted like this isn't what their party represents.  Of course, political violence is exactly what the Republican Party represents and encourages.

From Sarah Palin encouraging people to take aim and shot Democratic Congressmembers, to the Malheur bird sanctuary insurrection, to Charlottesville, to Jan 6th itself;  the Republican Party is invested in using violence to wrest political power.

Morrow and each and every one of those traitors who invaded the Capitol, broke through and ran around looking for Nancy Pelosi, AOC, and Mike Pence should have been gunned down on the steps.  We should have seen 2000 body bags, but instead after Traitor Trump sent them to Congress to overthrow the Government they were allowed to exit the building unimpeded, arms raised in triumph.

Demented Fascist Trump has promised to pardon the over 1000 conservative criminals who've been tried and convicted.  Which leads us to the 2024 elections and the one fact you must keep in the back of your mind as you go about your regular business and life for the next 8 months... 

In 2025, Republicans are going to call for the violent overthrow of the United States Government... again.  

Because Trump is going to lose that election.  Even the massive voter suppression, disenfranchisement and other dirty tricks Republicans always pull won't be enough to get this election close enough for Republicans or the Supremacist Court to steal.  RFK Jr won't be able to pull a Ralph Nader 2000 Florida effect.  That's why that odious slime bucket Tucker Carlson is already calling the 2024 election fraudulent.  Fortunately or unfortunately for us, Carlson is too much of elitist chickenhawk coward, a tough-talking dilettante, to actually do anything other than sit on his ass talking.

As an aside, I am constantly insulted and bewildered why the vaunted white working class puts stock into these doughy, wide-waisted rightwing propagandists who don't do any real work but, just sit on the expansive behinds talking shit.  Is it an unconscious dream to emulate their success and wealth from not working?  Is it an unspoken desire to have someone tell them what to do?

But, more importantly does Tucker Carlson have enough pull to convince a rightwing terrorist or two to launch attacks on President Biden or Vice President Harris?  Maybe.  And that is the big question for Election Day and in the aftermath of Trump's next defeat.  Have Republicans trained up enough paramilitary domestic terrorists to cause real danger to America?  This time, at least, we won't have the erstwhile President encouraging terrorists to attack, placing co-conspirators in key military units, or stopping National Guard and Police from responding to the violence.

I do think there is going to be Election Day violence.  Will Michele Morrow declare herself a Freebooter Captain and stand-up a paramilitary group?  Will the Kansas Republicans declare themselves free to attack the Real President Biden instead of an effigy?  Will Derrick Van Orden convince enough of his fellow mean drunks to descend on Madison, Wisconsin to beat up election judges and college students voting in Wisconsin?

Will Arizona Republicans launch a sneak attack on the ballot polling places? 

I don't know but I do know that rightwing domestic terrorists have already begun killing Americans and have the backing of major elected Republicans as well as King Traitor Trump and see 2024 as a confluence of events, influence, and political backing from the Treasonous Republican Party to effect an overthrow of the United States.

I'm afraid they are going to take their shot. 

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