Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Republicans hate America 24: Traitor Trump's brain is melting but, he's still savvy enough to steal your Social Security and use your dead relative's body for a photo op

"We heard the Saudi Arabia and Russia will rebe beerb ba baaaah..."

 It is now obvious Trump has either full blown dementia of full blow Fascism;  whether it comes from the spirochetes in his brain, from advancing sundowners syndrome, substance abuse, plaque induced psychosis, or his love of Hitler matters little.  He's no longer the off-the-cuff, rambling racist he used to be but, a confused wannabe Dictator who can barely present a coherent sentence during his long bigoted tirades, crude and ugly insults, and open appeals to Authoritarianism

But, no matter how deep into dementia and glitchy aphasia he sinks into Trump knows when he's not getting his taste.  As with NATO funding, Trump sees Social Security as a big pile of Cash of which he is not getting a cut.  And cut Social Security is exactly what he will do,

“First of all, there is a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting, and in terms of, also, the theft and bad management of entitlements,” Trump responded “Tremendous bad management of entitlements. There’s tremendous amounts of things and numbers of things you can do.”

First of all, this is tremendous gibberish.  Tremendous.  Secondly, this fat fascist fuck absolutely will sign any piece of crap legislation put in front of him.  He'll cut Socials Security, Medicare, anything which he feels he entitled to a cut of.  He's a giant gelatinous blob who repeats whatever he thinks will get him an applause line.  When he can actually coherently produce a sentence that is...

All he can do is regurgitate the Ackshullaly Biden rightwing talking points the rest of his speech is mangled, garbled gibberish, insulting diarrhea, substituting the wrong word, flowing into a confused miasma of disconnected thoughts, disgusting innuendos and frightening declarations of fascism and authoritarian desires.

Trump openly praises Dictators who then reveal that Trump tells them exactly what he will do when he's returned to office.  Viktor Orban flatly stated Trump told him he'll immediately cut off aid to Ukraine which coupled with Trump telling "POTEN" he can do whatever the hell he wants demonstrates Trump and Republicans know there natural allies are Russian Fascists.

Back in October, I can not imagine the fucking ballistic fallout if a Democratic President denounced Prime Minister Netanyahu and praised Hezbollah in the wake of the Hamas militant butchery the way Traitor Trump did.  since then Trump hasn't said anything about the Gaza Crisis because he has no ideas other than his fantasy counterfactual that Israel wouldn't be attacked.

I told you years ago, that when Republicans were back in power they would move to turn Jan6th into the Second Independence Day and engage in their tradition of revisionist history turning Criminals, Traitors, and Insurrectionists into Heroes, Patriots, and Martyrs.  Trump's bluntly declaring he'll pardon all the convicted criminals who engaged in the Insurrection and probably all the unindicted co-conspirators and planners like Ginni Thomas .

And yet, the Corporate Media still will not come out and declare what is obvious before the entire Country's and World's eyes;  Trump is a rapidly degenerating mess who yearns to use the Federal Government to harm his enemies.  And what's worse, the school of parasites and remoras circling his bulbous ass yearn to use the Awesome Power of the Government to murder millions of people.

Lakan? TRUMP! Now Smile!
"During my four years, nothing happened,” Trump told a gathering of NRA members in January in Pennsylvania. “And there was great pressure on me having to do with guns. We did nothing.”

But, we are led to believe that this smiling Ghoul, desecrating the United States Flag for a photo op of the "grieving" family of Laken Riley all mugging for the camera, spelled her fucking name wrong after autographing it is fit to be President and cares to protect anyone.  And I'm supposed to believe Republicans GIVE A FUCK about Americans or anything?

Yet… Day after day legacy media journalists attack President Biden for using notes while Trump calls his wife the wrong name, most likely, because he hasn't seen her in years.

Oh no... the Corporate Media is letting us down again, if you are naive enough to still believe the Media isn't completely in the Tank for Trump and Republicans.  If instead you understand that while this or that individual journalist might be Liberal, the Corporate Media is owned by the Plutocracy and they want Trump in Power because Republican control of the Government means no taxes and less and less regulations.  The people hurt by Republicans don't matter to the 1%.  

Trump and the Republicans plan to cut Social Security and Medicare and retired white Boomers are champing at the bit to vote for this degenerate Rapist a 3rd time.

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