Monday, March 11, 2024

Republicans hate America 23: If you love Migrants so much why don't you house them?

"We can fight about fixing the border or we can fix it..." - President Biden, State of the Union March 7, 2024.

If you love the immigrants so much why don't you put them in your house?  In Chicago, at least, one man is doing his best to answer this disingenuous rhetorical retort with "Alright..."

Joselin Mendoza sleeps on the floor of a cold stone basement with her two kids at a house in Roseland.

The property’s owner Chris Amatore came by in a truck one day in January and offered her the chance to leave a city-run shelter before she and her family were kicked out.

He has now resettled close to 500 migrants in 15 buildings around the city, spending $150,000 of his own money, he said.

Amatore’s solution isn’t a long-term fix — for himself or the migrants, who are grateful for the vacant buildings they now call home. He is facing strong backlash from community members and city officials, as housing experts raise alarms about what is going to happen to thousands of people without assistance. 

This man's humanity, compassion and dedication to his fellow man are beyond reproach.  He's a General Contractor who founded, a company Manage Chicago, most likely buying and flipping homes and buildings.  Now... Flippers and General Contractors can be ruthless predators but, Chris Amatore apparently put his money where his mouth is this winter.

However, 'this why don't you do it' is the Gotcha Lib! rhetoric question rightwingers use to put you on the defensive and "prove" you're a hypocrite when it comes to the so-called Migrants crisis.  Now, understand the Republicans don't frame this as a human crisis but use the phrase Border Crisis.  This is deliberate.

The reason I (or even a business like Manage Chicago) don't simply house all the immigrants is the same reason I don't simply solve the Israel/Palestine problem... Such problems are too big for any one person to solve or handle alone.  Of course, this is precisely the reason Man (Homo Politicus) came together to form Government in the first place; to deal with problems which are too big for anyone to address.  Of course, the Republican solution for immigrants is the same for the Palestinians; Total Eradication.

Now, this Gotcha Lib! bad faith device has been used by rightwingers before as they've said this for decades about homeless (or unhoused people) i.e. if you really want to hep the homeless you'd let them stay in your house.

And now a variation is being used to undermine the military aid to Ukraine as Republicans have apparently discovered many Veterans Republicans have been fucking over for years are homeless.

Of course, Republicans are full of shit because just like everything they say they have no intention of every following through.  But, they've played the Corporate Media to reporting Republican words are as good as action.  Being a conservatives means having No Memory and shamelessly using their past panics and phony crisis to undercut the current dilemma. 

 Republicans have claimed over and over again in committee meetings and interviews that Joe Biden is so senile he can't speak.  Biden just talked rhetorical circles around every Republican in the chamber.

One of the avenues of attack, Republicans have taken on President Biden is to invent "The Border Crisis".

In Katie Breathy Britt's, vile lie filled speech she referenced the border 9 times without mentioning the people.  Well, except to tell a Massive Lie (using the Excluded Middle Fallacy) about a trafficked young woman allowing rightwing drones to believe it was happening under President Biden when, in fact, the situation occurred in Mexico, in 2004, when George Worst Ever was President.

But, have you noticed that in order to demonize President Biden, it is necessary for Republicans to remove humanity from "The Crisis".  Dehumanization is the first step towards death trains and concentration camps.

But, Republicans are planning far, far worse.  Rightwingers across the country claim the Border is the biggest issue facing America.  They've dutifully been conditioned and if Trump gets back in, they will dutifully support the next step for the "illegals";  Rounding-up and elimination.

Mike Davis, one of the men under consideration by Trump and the Project 2025 for Attorney General, proudly told rightwingers in September 2023 he would “unleash hell on Washington, D.C." , would "indict President Joe Biden and every other scumball, sleazeball Biden,” and helping pardon those found guilty of crimes associated with the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol. 

“We’re gonna deport a lot of people, 10 million people and growing—anchor babies, their parents, their grandparents,” Davis said. “We’re gonna put kids in cages. It’s gonna be glorious. We’re gonna detain a lot of people in the D.C. gulag and Gitmo.”

Steve Bannon, says the 2024 Election is a referendum on "deportation" of 10,000,000 people.

But, remember there always is that unspoken middle between what Republicans openly talk about now and the physical deportation of 10 MILLION people.  How do you find them?  How do you arrest and process them?  Where do they go when awaiting deportation?  

Stephen Miller went further, 
“You grab illegal immigrants, and then you move them to the staging grounds, and that’s where the planes are waiting”

"The Staging Grounds" are that unspoken middle, Millions of people in concentration camps and you absolutely know that will result in huge number of deaths, rapes, and other crimes as once Republicans have successfully demonized "illegals" and have millions of people in custody far from peoples eyes it will be easy for Conservatives to simply accept the liquidation of these people.

In 2025, if they've managed to secure power Republicans will destroy the United States of America.  Democrats build, Republicans destroy.  The choice for President is clear and simple;  Either you support Joe Biden and the United States or you fundamentally wish to end the Democratic Republic and replace it with a Christian Fascist Nation.


I don't think it can be stated strongly enough just how much Republicans hate America and loathe the American people.  Republican Senator James Lankford was censured by the Oklahoma GOP for being seen during the SOTU saying "It's True." as President Biden laid out exactly how Donald John Traitor Trump scuttled the Bi-Partisan Border Security Bill.  There is no greater sin than correctly reporting Republican actions.  Republicans absolutely have no interest in governing or solving problems; they are laser-focused on destroying the United States.  Republican-led domestic terrorism is coming when Trump loses in 2024, be prepared...

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