Friday, January 26, 2024

The secret to the Republican Plan to Destroy the United States of America is...

Sent Jan 17th after the autogolpe of Jan 6th failed
They've already done it.

Much like the plot of the genre defining graphic novel Watchmen, Republicans openly discuss their plans because they've already accomplished them.

Sean Hannity, whose always enjoyed crushing the spirit and bodies of the American people, gave Trump the softest of soft ball questions and Trump just blurted it out, 

“Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?” Sean Hannity asked Trump in the interview taped in Davenport, Iowa. 
Except for day one,” Trump responded. “I love this guy,” he said of the Fox News host. “He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one

There has always been a two-tiered Justice system in the United States; black v. white, poor v. rich, worker v. corporation.  Invariably the Republicans have always sided with the powerful over the weak.  But, Republicans usually try to be nuanced in their lawlessness they very, very rarely come out in direct opposition to the Rule of Law.

Republicans now feel absolutely free to flout conventions, norms, unenumerated rules, direct ruling from courts up to and including Supreme Court rulings.

Individual journalists are wholly unprepared to handle the onslaught of non-stop bad faith Republican attacks on the United States.  For years the training of The Corporate Media has been to BothSides everything and rationalize disingenuous Republican actions and normalize Republican perfidy.

Republicans for 50 years have grown accustomed to being afforded the widest latitude and zero pushback from the Media, while simultaneously standing up a relentless propaganda machine which attacks anyone who points out Republican malfeasance.

So, Kaitlin Collins was flabbergasted when Republican Ralph Norman who objected to the certification of President Biden's overwhelming victory proudly with a shit-eating grin declared the only thing he regretted was he misspelled martial law.

The most worrisome aspect of the upcoming Republican plan to simply declare Trump the winner of the 2024 election; is that the Media will acquiesce before even raising a tepid objection and pivot to supporting Trump and the Republicans seizure of power.  I mean Traitor Trump claims he won New Hampshire in 2016 and in 2020, who are we in the media too disagree?  Trump Decides, We Report

Because I hope you don't expect Republicans to simply not declare themselves the winners and expect you  to accept their soft overthrow of the United States Government?  

After losing the 2020 Presidential election, Republicans hatched a number of schemes and conspiracies to undermine the results of the election and keep Traitor Trump in power.  Ron Johnson was supposed to hand a fake slate of electors to Mike Pence during the certification process which would've resulted in the adoption of fake electors for several states Trump lost.  Or if Pence had declared he can't certify the election, the Republicans in Congress would have said the matter now goes to the House to decide.  Those bureaucratic tricks failed mainly because Mike Pence got cold feet.

So, then Trump ordered his mob of criminals and insurrections to storm the Capitol.  The January 6th autogolpe succeeded in stopping the peaceful transfer of power.  And even after the mob of rightwing criminals had left the building, arms raised in triumph, Republicans returned to the Congress, with conservatives shit still smeared on the walls and broken glass and broken traditions all over the floor, and still tried to decertify President Biden's victory.

Republicans expect, not without reason, if they do throw a successful Coup d'etat that the country will merely shrug and accept it.

Republicans are a fully-fascist organization who've inculcated much of their pseudo-religious dogma and vile beliefs into Law.  Look, at the number of smooth-bodied well-fed, wide-waisted, heavily-jowled Republican motherfvckers who are declaring their intent to not accept WIC or other federal food programs designed to combat childhood hunger.  And then juxtapose this with the very limited media coverage these Republicans policy decisions received.  

Fat puffy purulent Wisconsin Republican men feel completely free to compare women to breeding farm animals, as they seek to yet again enshackle women into servitude and a life of non-stop pregnancies,  
“You know, in my veterinary career, I did thousands of ultrasounds on animals, you know, determining pregnancy and that kind of thing,” Republican Joel 'Get Women back in the' Kitchens said. “So I think I know mammalian fetal development better than probably anyone here.
Republicans are the Party of Life (so say they and so say the Corporate Media) therefore any plans to deny food to hungry children is therefore pro-life.  Republicans are Party of Life so making women naught but vessels for white men's semen is pro-life.

Caught Herpes Red-Handed
The only current drawback to Republican plan to replace the United States of America with a Fascist Fundamentalist Ethno-State built upon racism and slavery is the head of their movement is a syphilitic jello-brained fascist madman.
"We’re going to place strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to debank you from your— your political beliefs what they do. They want to debank you. We’re going to debank— think of this. They want to take away your country. Electric cars..."
"We have more liquid gold and wealth under our feet than any other nation. We have more liquid gold. Oil and gas. More liquid gold. Well, I just met non-liquid gold. You know where it was? Iowa. It’s called corn! They have– it’s non-liquid. I said, ‘Corn.’ They said, ‘We love that idea.’ You know, it’s a pretty cool thought, isn’t it? That’s a nickname in it’s own way but we came up with a new word for– a new couple of words for corn.”
These are not the statements of a man with a sound mind.  Trump's brain is turning into a orange-hued pudding and the sad reality of American journalism is the media will attempt to parse and interpret this utter gibberish.  Certainly, it sounds like someone told him about the Department of Justice using bank records to track rightwing domestic terrorism.  Or perhaps he's going back to the old hits of Republicans lying about the IRS going after conservatives under President Obama.  But, Trump also spent the last couple of days attacking E. Jean Carroll because she's beaten him and keeps beating him.  And his spirochete riddled brain can not handle it.  And it's another story Trump ego story as he's invented a new word for Corn, i.e. "non-liquid gold".

Now, exactly zero MAGA cultists care about the reality of Trump, they've turned him into a worship object and what he represents to them is transcends mere reality and this fallen world.  And rightwingers have been conditioned for years with more eloquent lies from Republican liars so Trump's verbal diarrhea hits just enough of the fragments of agitprop conservatives have absorbed for them to recognize he's speaking the right worship words.

Elected Republicans don't care about his worsening dementia, they know if he's in power they've got plans this time to surround Trump with just the right people to advance the vicious rightwing agenda into Law and impose Order on the millions who would not be ruled by the Fascist Fundamentalist Republican Party.

So, don't get worried about what Republicans plan to do understand what they've already done.  And prepare and plan to beat them in 2024 and fight either way in 2025, because Republicans will not stop trying to destroy the United States of America and replace it with a simulacrum in which Republican word is Law and anyone who resists will be rounded-up and sent to the death camps Republicans are already planning on building. 

1 comment:

  1. Democrats have been naively asleep at the wheel thru all of this. No plan to combat it. Republicans have been playing this long game since Nixon
