- Chickenhawk draft dodging warmongers get to brand themselves Uber-Patriots
- Criminal domestic terrorists literally attacking Police and attempting to subvert the US Government and Constitution can declare they Back the Blue, stand for Law&Order, and love America.
- And Republicans have been able to shield their stable of child predators by shifting blame onto the Queer community and those who don't conform to their rigid White Surpemacist Patriarchy.
It may be typical of the pro-Obama Dungeons & Dragons crowd to disparage a fellow countryman's memory of war from the comfort of mom's basement.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Rightwingers have purposefully undermined your ability to properly detect threats often so Republicans can abuse children and women
Monday, May 22, 2023
Fox News and the entire Republican Party treat Veterans like Toilet Paper
I became aware of this lie while watching the channel of Brian Tyler Cohen and he sums up the Republican perfidy succinctly.
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Who cares if it's not true! It's what conservatives want to hear! |
I don't think I've ever seen a more casually despicable and off-handedly shameless piece of agitprop in a long time. This isn't just a lie, it was an outright fraud, an outright conspiracy in which Republican agent provocateurs appear to have picked homeless men off the street and instructed them to pretend to be Veterans and then concocted a tale of them being kicked out of hotel to make room for Joe Biden's Illegal Immigrants.
I think I'm not being clear enough. Republicans in New York pulled a George Santos knowing this MASSIVE FRAUD would be picked up Nationally, rebroadcast and generate a lot of Rightwing Outrage and engagement.
MediaMatters as usual has an extensive summation of the hundreds of lies Republicans and Faux News perpetrated because they know, THEY ABSOLUTELY KNOW, conservatives will believe this story no matter how many times in is debunked. Homeless Veterans kicked out for Illegal Immigrants stimulates the Fear&Anger response conservatives crave.
Republicans breathlessly rushed to get in their condemnations of this, they dusted off their oratory skills to pretend to be Mark Anthony in Shakespeare's Julius Caeser to denounce this shocking mistreatment of America's Heroes while giving those people, those Non-Citizens, those criminals, those Illegals preferential treatment. Of course, of fucking course, Faux News ran despicable segment after segment after segment of how America's Heroes, Our Best & Brightest, Those to Whom We Owe so so much, were mistreated by Joe while also lighting up the pleasure centers of the rightwing brain by pumping the Border Crisis lie and Racism against anyone from Mexico, Central America, and South America.
This made up story is the Pure Dope to the rightwing Wurlitzer of lies and propaganda. This is beyond low. This is beyond deplorable. I am beyond incensed.
We've always known that Republicans treat Veterans and Service members like dog shit and little Risk tokens, flinging us about and using us to advance the mean rightwing agenda of oppression and intolerance.
Republicans don't give a shit about the unhoused community. Republicans don't give a rat's hind tit about homeless people. Republicans especially don't fucking care about Homeless Veterans. Republicans use people and Republicans shit all over the Nation, the Flag, the American people.
Rightwingers have lived for decades on the lie that they are the Party of Veterans, that they are the Party of Law & Order. And it's absolute bullshit. Republicans haven't been the Party of the Military for 40 fucking years. Most of the enlisted who served during the Phony GWoT, that Republican warmongering adventure, pushed by Faux News and the entire Republican media apparatus are liberal or left in viewpoint. This was demonstrated conclusively by the 2020 election in which the Military (writ large) voted for Joe Biden conclusively over Traitor Trump.
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Coked Out Chickenhawk Coward speaks for all Veterans |
Fascism is here and the violent death throes of recalcitrant rightwing villains will follow.
As always HRC was far too kind when she called half of Republicans a basket of deplorable, because every Republican is straight trash. Unredeemable garbage people. And that a Party of chickenhawk cowards and warmongering draft dodgers feels absolutely free to bandy about Veterans as though We belong to them is just the cherry on top of the galling shit sundae.
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Illinois: Land of Abortion
I would enjoy if the official moniker for Illinois was changed from Land of Lincoln to Land of Abortion and if the familiar abstract profile of President Lincoln became something else... But, that would shock and outrage the sensibilities! This is because for a long, long time Abortion has been treated as a dirty secret, a moral outrage if not outright criminal in nature. And it isn't. Abortion is Healthcare.
The "Pro-Life" Movement is going to result in Quiverfulls of dead humans. Everyone knows the Anti-Reproductive rights and freedom movement which adopted the moniker "pro-life" has zero regard for mothers, children, or fetuses. What they care about is dictating and controlling Women.
The Forced Birther Movement has claimed for years to be the Silent Majority but, when put to the voters by referendum, abortion bans always fail, as they did in Kansas or Michigan. The American people don't want reproductive rights curtailed. They don't want the restrictive religious laws imposed on them. They don't want what Sam Alito is selling. They don't want the Anti-Choice agenda. Which is precisely why Republicans are forcing it upon them.
So, Illinois stands out as a state with Reproductive freedom and bulwark against the rapacious zealotry of bigoted Republican slavery. And now the Illinois legislature has passed measure to stop the deceitful anti-abortion facilities from deceiving people seeking healthcare at a proper clinic. The bill which passed the Illinois Legislature and will soon be signed by Governor J.B. Pritzker amends the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act, which currently does not include health care professionals. It would apply the existing language to the abortion industry.
“This is literally giving and clarifying the authority of the attorney general in order to prosecute these cases where people are using misleading and deceptive practices in order to take women away from being able to actually get the abortion care that they are looking for,” State Senator Celina Villanueva.
Because we did not get to this point overnight. The Republicans agenda of oppression and control of Women has been a long slow slog since 1973 and Roe. And they never resigned themselves to settled law but chipped at the edges and crafted programs to undermine freedom all along the way.
One of those methods was the Pregnancy Crisis Center (aka "limited practice facilities") and its' workers; who falsely advertise services on websites. This tactic is now no longer needed in a some states which have simply pushed through draconian anti-Abortion legislation but, in Illinois it's the prime method for curtailing women that rightwingers still possess.
"The attack on sidewalk counseling - actually trying to regulate the speech of people standing on a public sidewalk advocating against abortion - that is unique. Here you have a real attempt to stop citizens from expressing themselves on a public sidewalk as they see fit."
"Sidewalk Counseling" is a hell of euphemism for shouting burn in hell slut and threatening to murder women who are going to an abortion clinic. Of course, what these people also do is more nefarious as they often flag people down and pretend to be from the abortion clinic ask for the driver's license, and direct the person seeking care towards the anti-abortion clinic as though this is the real location for their appointment.
"There is nothing in this bill that limits speech, nothing at all,” lead bill sponsor Rep. Terra Costa Howard, D-Glen Ellyn, said while debating the bill. “‘Cause if you’re not lying, what do you have to worry about?”
What Peter Breen of the Thomas More Dead Women Society is arguing in his blinkered disingenuous way, that he and others of his ilk have a 1st Amendment right to lie and defraud people i.e express themselves as they see fit. Because remember what evangelicals like Breen and so many others believe is their dishonesty is noble, as lying for Jesus washes away all crimes.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
The Revenge of the Thin Blue Line 38: Cat Convertor: More than meets the Eye
Is Crime Up or Down? Well... it depends.
You see, Faux News, rightwing provocateurs and Republican liars have a delicate balance to maintain their conservative drones in a constant state of frothing fury and racist agitation.
That's why the Border Crisis is always a go-to segment. Far enough away from most Republicans to not make them shoot at their local landscaper but, always visible as a source of Replacement Anxiety.
Therefore, in order to make crime a continual cudgel to bash the weak on crime liberals but, to make sure conservatives never question why Republicans don't solve crime inside a week as Donald John Trump said he could do, the right adopted a see-saw balance of Fear & Anger. Because keeping their racist base in constant state of either of those emotions would be untenable but by bouncing them back-and-forth between the two it allows the rightwing lizard brain a reset.
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Palladium is so easy to recover even a Cave (Iron) Man can do it! |
Friday, May 12, 2023
The Revenge of the Thin Blue Line 37: A lotta Illinois Policemen are suddenly gonna discover they have "Long Covid"
(e) For the purposes of this Section only, any policeman |
who becomes disabled as a result of exposure to and |
contraction of COVID-19, as evidenced by either a confirmed |
positive laboratory test for COVID-19 or COVID-19 antibodies |
or a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 from a licensed medical |
professional, shall: |
(1) be rebuttably presumed to have contracted COVID-19 |
while in the performance of an act or acts of duty; |
(2) be rebuttably presumed to have been injured while |
in the performance of an act or acts of duty; and |
(3) be entitled to receive a duty disability benefit |
during any period of such disability for which the |
policeman does not have a right to receive salary, in an |
amount equal to 75% of the policeman's salary, as salary |
is defined in this Article, at the time the disability is |
allowed, in accordance with subsection (a).
The presumption shall apply to any policeman who was |
exposed to and contracted COVID-19 on or after March 9, 2020 |
and on or before June 30, 2021; except that the presumption |
shall not apply if the policeman was on a leave of absence from | ||
his or her employment or otherwise not required to report for | ||
duty for a period of 14 or more consecutive days immediately | ||
prior to the date of contraction of COVID-19. |
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Shall Not Be Infringed 9: Stand Your Ground, the motto of the RWDS
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Rightwing Lone Wolves are Domestic Terrorists to Us and Heroes to Republicans |
Monday, May 8, 2023
The Revenge of the Thin Blue Line 36: Kim Foxx not gonna Run so instead Let's Go Brandon
Kim Foxx announced she will not seek reelection in 2024 after serving two terms as Cook County state's attorney.
“At the conclusion of my term, November of 2024, I will be stepping down as State’s Attorney. I will not be on next year’s ballot, by my choice,” Foxx told the room. “I became State’s Attorney to deliver safety, justice and equity. I feel that I have made my mark, so I’m ready to let new leadership step forward,” Foxx said in a written statement following today’s speech. “Over the next year and half, my office will continue to work diligently for the people of Cook County and uphold the values of a fair and just legal system.”
If there was one thing that pissed Police off in Chicago and Cook County it was Kim Foxx. Because Kim Foxx is guilty; Guilty of the crime of being a black person of America. This is the most unforgivable offense in the United States; past, present, and future. As State's Attorney Kim Foxx instituted reforms to cash bail, expunged cannabis arrests (which of course, overwhelmingly targeted minorities), and helped overturn numerous wrongful convictions, resulting from Police misconduct.
Now, if you ask Police why they hate her the responses will no doubt include the ridiculous Jussie Smolett incident and Foxx's unforced error in intervening in the investigation. But, overall the claim will be that Foxx did not allow the Police (and Cook County ASA's) to do their job; which is arresting and incarcerating minorities. Standard refrains from Officers when asked about Chicago crime revolved around, 'What do you expect? It's Cook County!' and 'Kim Foxx won't do anything about this or that crime' and it's 'Kim Foxx is stopping us from charging criminals'. Much of this was a thin veneer to cover for slipshod police work. But, always remember Police don't arrest innocent people...
Now, remember what we are running into is not the Thin Blue Line but, the wall of Whiteness. White people are inculcated from an early age to love Police but, also fear them. This is most often seen when a white parents chastise their very young child's behavior by saying, 'Now! Little Aiden don't do that or the Policeman will come take you away!'
The reason you do this is so white people learn to understand as long as they toe-the-line and support police they will be protected good standing members of the Congregation. But, those congregants who transgress earn the sobriquet "Mopes".
As Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve noted in her book, Crook County: Racism and Injustice in America's Largest Criminal Court,
In the vernacular of court culture, defendants are identified by vulgarities: "scum," "piece of shit," "bad guys" - even "banana suits" (which refers to the jail jumper that defendants in custody must wear in court). One term predominates among these epithets. That term is "mopes," used mostly to refer to defendants but sometimes used to describe professionals as well. The meaning inscribed in this term is central to the moral rubric applied to defendants by courtroom professionals.
Work ethic, competency, and motivation are central elements of court culture. Efficiency and speed of disposition provide daily evidence of the court professional's work ethic. Not surprisingly, plea bargains rather than trials define this proverbial machine of efficient justice, and judges and prosecutors pride themselves on efficiency.
"Mope" is shorthand for a person who violates these values. Professionals find it difficult to regard a defendant as anything but a mope.
As we see with the Sinister Six Injustices in the Supremacist Court, the Law, Officials, and Courts in America has morphed into a quasi-religion, the new Priesthood, and Church of America. For decades now, we've been treated to numerous TV shows which demonstrate the sublime perfection of the Mystic Legal Religion, as Cops always get there, Judges are humble, impartial arbiters of immutable Holy Script, and the Prosecutors follow the god-given tenets of law to achieve absolute truth. While defendants attempt to wiggle free. In many courtrooms across the land certain people are rushed through the system and incarcerated whilst others enjoy the long, slow process, multiple appeals, delays, motions, and extended mysteries of the courtroom.
The role of Police is to be the first line enforcing this Mystical Legal Religion (which has all the hallmarks of White Supremacy); now every Officer I know would (and has) immediately balked and become defensive or dismissive of this when I point it out for a variety of personal reasons or unexamined assumptions but, this is often because they can not or will not see the systematic Institutional Racism which undergirds American society.
Because Police Officers are terrible lawyers and should not be trusted when it comes to their opinion on the charging of crimes. So Cook County makes Officers call Assistant State's Attorney's for background and approval when charging felonies. But, I've never met an Officer who didn't think every single arrest he made was a lock solid certainty and the defendant 100% guilty. Now, I never made an arrest when I did not believe I had probable cause, but I've never gotten mad at not "winning" in the Courtroom.
However, now that Kim Foxx is gone, rightwingers and asshole Reactionary Cops have lost their satan whom they could blame for any of their lazy fuck-ups in building a case, sloppy detective work, and for all crime everywhere in Cook County. But, thankfully white supremacy in Chicago is saved because in April Brandon Johnson won the Chicago Mayoral Election against Paul Vallas and before the final vote was even tabulated rightwingers had a downtown incident which was 100% Brandon Johnson's fault and which 100% showed what the rightwing wurlitzer will do going forward.
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Shall Not Be Infringed 8: Republicans love when children are shot to pieces and if you survive a mass shooting Republicans will enjoy enslaving you
More Guns is always the Answer.
The questions don't even matter anymore.
The facts have never mattered.
The truth the Ultimate Truth is Republicans love when people are shot to death.
You know what they will say: Mental illness! Black-on-Black crime! Chicago! Good Guys with Guns!
And you know what they'll do: Nothing.
Thoughts & Prayers. Empty & Hollow. Republicans offer them up because they are substanceless.
Vanessa Brito and many others have pointed out Ted Cruz, when he isn't plotting to overthrow the United States government or plotting his latest Cancun vacation while his constituents languish, will Ctrl+C Ctrl+V his same Heidi and I are praying... tweet he always tweets after every Mass Shooting.
And to,all the people who immediately rush to their phones to tweet,
Big Red X This is Fake,
it's not the gotcha you think it is.
It's akin to the NRA gun humpers and Republican gun lobbyists who dismiss every nuanced 10,000 word article about gun violence and the mass proliferation of firearms in America by stating you mislabeled a pistol grip with a regular stock your post is Invalid.
Stop giving bad faith arguments credence. Stop allowing the firearms industry the framing of gun violence in America. Stop letting worthless Thoughts & Prayers from treasonous scumbuckets like Ted Cruz or Marge Greene or whomever be the narrative.
The Truth is Republicans love gun violence in America. They love when people are shot to pieces. They won't do anything to minimize this, let alone stop it. Gun Violence is how Republicans plan to topple the United States and create a Neo-Confederate white supremacist Nation.
Texas Republican Keith Self, who represents the NRA in Allen, Texas was asked about this latest mass shooting:
"Now, you know, congressman, that is a common refrain after these incidents, after mass shootings, but many people argue that prayers aren't cutting it, prayers are not preventing the next mass shooting. What is your response to that criticism?" Paula Reid asked.
Keith Self, expressed, his desire to see more people shot to pieces for Christ's holey message,
"Well, those are people that don't believe in an almighty God who, who has, who is absolutely in control of our lives..."
Meanwhile, Megyn White Santa Kelly's twitter is a cesspool of conservatives yearning, begging to get the go ahead to use all their guns they've stockpiled to murder the libs.
Also if you read White Power Megyn's screed the argument isn't that gun control wouldn't solve these mass shootings; its instead two-fold, 1) there are 400,000,000 guns cats outta the bag suck on this libtards and 2) we won the bureaucratic battle of stacking the Courts with psychos who rule our way.
We have to stop using the euphemisms the right has adopted vis-a-vis guns, i.e. stopping tyranny, self-defense. Rightwingers want and have steadily won the Legal "Right" and Supremacist Court Imprimatur to murder whomever they wish. And as The Right steadily loses elections and cultural issues they see that Legal Right extending towards Civil War and the "Right" to overthrow the US government.
Saturday, May 6, 2023
On this Cinco de Mayo weekend, let's acknowledge your Lawn & your Takeout are responsible for the Migrant "Crisis"
“So we went to the company and we said, look, you can’t have any illegals working on our property,” said Romney. “I’m running for office, for Pete’s sake, I can’t have illegals. It turns out that once, they hired someone who had falsified their documents, had documents, and therefore we fired them.” If you believe these absurd lies from Vulture Capitalist Mitt R-Money... well Bain Capital will gladlymanagesteal your pension too.
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Being Homeless in America means facing derision, demonization, and death
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Would you buy a used car from a fucking guy who poses for this kind of picture? |
Carmignani wrote, without a sense of shame or irony, “I firmly believe that the city needs to promote the safety of its law-abiding citizens over those who chose to do drugs and commit violent acts in our streets. I am hopeful that this unfortunate incident will lead to policy changes to better protect the interests of San Francisco residents.”
Prosecutors have alerted former San Francisco Fire Commissioner Don Carmignani they will be moving to dismiss charges in a brutal beating he suffered outside his mother's home in the city's Marina District earlier this month, according to his attorney.
Carmignani's attorney said the assistant district attorney said the office now considers the incident self-defense and indicated other evidence of attacks on homeless people believed to have been committed by Carmignani has led to the decision to dismiss the case.
Doty's public defender, Kleigh Hathaway, told reporters Wednesday that in the last 24 hours, her office had received new information about what appears to be a pattern of incidents allegedly involving Carmignani, all within a four-block radius of the Marina District home.
"The district attorney and the police have now reason to believe that Mr. Carmignani was involved in eight - eight - separate acts of violence," said Hathaway. "These eight separate acts of violence were perpetrated against people who are homeless. The district attorney and the police gave us, the defense, yesterday, these police reports because they believe these acts are related to Mr. Carmignani."