Sunday, March 6, 2022

Will the Corporate Media push the Rightwing Trucker Boogaloo

In a repeat of the Tea Party nonsense, I see the Corporate Media is back to amplifying and providing undue coverage to minuscule conservative propaganda campaigns.  Even the slenderest of rightwing tantrums is treated as though it's a spontaneous uprising of the Great Masses of Real America!  E.g. Mom's for Liberty! Enter the non-stop coverage of Truckers fighting Covid Tyranny! 

For years rightwing media has known if they constantly and consistently repeat their talking points, the Corporate Media world will be forced to (or willingly) cover the nonsense and often just regurgitates the framing crafted by right-wingers.  

For weeks, Rightwing media hyped the Canadian Convoy (funded primarily by American conservatives and comprised mainly of Canadian Fascists) as an expression of "freedom".  Conservative luminaries, like Candeath Owens and Dilbert Scott Adams, proposed seriously that Prime Minister Trudeau should be forcibly removed by U.S. Armed Forces and rightwingers across the Nation, from he lowliest Alex Jones troglodyte to Arch-Traitor Donald John Trump himself declared Trudeau was far more of a dictator than Vladimir Putin, 

"The tyranny we have witnessed in Canada in recent weeks should shock and dismay people all over the world," Trump said.

Such statements wholly divorced from reality and of sheer buffoonery only makes sense when you understand The Right lives in a completely sealed media bubble, breathing in and regurgitating the same noxious nonsense to each other over and over again, until it becomes concentrated bullshit.  But, it would be nice if outside the bubble the media would focus more on what these rightwing temper tantrums almost always turn out to be; i.e. huge opportunities for grifters to fleece MAGA morons.

Illinois Governor candidate Gary Rabine (Nazi Party) who's slated to get 5% of the vote in the coming primary attached himself to the Convoy in a feeble attempt to jump-start his flaccid campaign.  Even Illinois Republicans, who flirt with fascism, probably won't be excited about Gary's performative assholery. 

Nothing about conservatives should shock or surprise anymore.  The Republican Party is dead.  Conservative political thought long ago morphed into "Own the Libs" and abandoned their so-called principles, ethics, values, morals, and beliefs.  Conservatives live on hatred and a fanatical desire to punish those they hate; We, the American People.

But, the Corporate Media can not acknowledge this stark truth because to do so would be to cast doubt on their rhetoric since Ronnie Raygun.  And worse yet, it would illustrate how they have helped the fascist beast grow and thrive... 

And so when despicable Ron DeSantis was ignoring Covid spikes which have thus far killed upwards of 100,000 Florida residents, the Corporate Media couldn't get enough of his terse press conferences and his pugnacious attitude.  When rightwing media declared Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has won the Pandemic over and over, the Corporate Media world adopted their framing (as they always do).  

So, what's happening since the Media adopted him? DeSantis has pushed bills criminalizing children and their parents for their biology.  Florida is crafting and passing laws making it illegal to vote Republicans out of office and setting up a law enforcement agency to track down those who vote the wrong way, DeSantis brazenly berates children at his press conferences because their wearing masks irritates him. 

Like Youngkin and every other Republican Governor, DeSantis didn't run on a campaign of Nazi Assholery (unlike Gary Rabine in Illinois) because that doesn't win.  But once in office DeSantis dropped any pretense of equanimity and simply let his rank assholishness and deplorable vile temper rule the state while subverting good governance and enshrining fascism into law.

I fear come 2024 the Corporate Media will push DeSantis the way they always push GOP Assholes as he runs for President...

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