Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Tulsi Gabbard, Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carlson, Nikki Haley, Candace Owens and millions of conservatives walk into a Biolab

In Russia, Biolab Propaganda walk into you!

Well, after flirting with the idea of leaving Pooty Poot, the Republican Party has run back into the loving arms of the KGB Colonel.  Conservatives hate Ukraine because President Zelenskiyy would not enter into a criminal conspiracy to manufacture a controversy for Trump and the Corporate Media to use to derail President Biden's successful campaign.

But, of course conservatives can't say that!

Aaargh! What-a-boot the laptop! 

And no matter how many times Glenn Greenwald went onto Tucker Kremlinson errr Carlson's show to flog the lies about Hunter Biden's Ukrainian Laptop located in a Jersey pawnshop, the But His Laptop didn't stick like But Her Emails.  Enter an old rightwing favorite: Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs)!

The latest two-pronged attack launched by Republicans, against Ukraine and the American People, is the preposterous lie that US funded Biolabs with WMDs are littered all throughout Ukraine.  Even worse, is the despicable adoption of an Abuser framing that Ukraine forced Russia to attack because of their dalliance with NATO and therefore Russia is merely defending itself from Obama funded Biolabs!

Candeath Owens took time out of her busy schedule convincing white goatee sporting conservative men to off themselves by not getting vaccinated to blame the United States and push the claim the US and USSR reached an agreement about NATO expansion back in 1990, and the Biden White House is violating that agreement.  Owens despicably blames America for Russia warmongering and maintains #RussianLivesMatter

Putin's Democrat Tulsi Gabbard, who you may recall voted Present for Impeachment over Trump's Ukrainian Conspiracy, also pushed the Kremlin's newest claim of 25-30 US funded Biolabs in Ukraine which forced Putin's hand to invade. 

Nikki Haley who still has unrealistic aspirations of running for the GOP nomination for President or, most likely, Vice President, is running around with the typical disingenuous, self-serving, why does anyone listen to her bullshit about the Russian Invasion, tv and alt-right media appearances.

After an initial push of why should we care about Russia/Ukraine by J. D. Vance and Tucker Kremlinson, the Republicans pivoted to Joe Biden's weakness invited Russia to attack, back to Vlad Putin was 100% right to attack because of WMDs.  Traitor Trump has been predictably insane and all over the map with his declaration of how savvy Putin was in attacking to false claims Trump and his Organization of Criminals *ackshullay* armed the Ukrainian people with Javelin missiles.

All of this is a goldmine for MAGA which is now able to tie Ukraine into the Wuhan Labs, Dr. Anthony Fauci Gain-of-Function, the US Special Forces raid on CIA computer server facility in Germany, and Hunter Biden and the Worldwide Rigged Election of 2020.

But, more importantly it's been clear for a long, long time when the next disaster struck, the American people would not be able to count on Republicans and MAGA to stand with the Nation and help.  This achieved deadly clarity during the past 2 years of Covid as conservatives not only didn't help but, sought to harm and did everything they could to undermine mitigation.  Now in Ukraine as Russia commits war crimes and atrocities, conservatives are clearly indicating they are on the side of Putin and Russian Fascism (and have been for a while) and against Democracy and The American People.


  1. That photo has not aged well ... arm-in-arm, matching t-shirts, matching mugs.

    Like they're kickin' their own all over the place ... gonna' rock me.

  2. I'm so tired of these yahoos and their conspiracy theories. I guess they earn a lot of clicks and money from spinning their disinformation. Thank you for calling them out.

  3. Ten Bears - I wonder if they succumbed to the "Democrat Hoax" virus...

    Unknown - We are approaching the Conspiracy Singularity Q is still running strong and bringing all others into its' ridiculous accretion disc of delusion and madness.

  4. Is Ukraine really worth a nuclear confrontation between the US and Russia? Well, is it?

  5. Anonymous- the confrontation is already here, now... unask your question and return to 1962.
