Friday, March 11, 2022

FSB asset Maddy Cawthorn and the Goonish Republicans are siding with Vladimir Putin because Putin and the GOP are Allies

Noted Liar, sexual abuser, and Nazi Goon Madison Cawthorn lost the use of his legs when his drunk friend crashed as the two drove back drunk from a week long bender of drug use in Florida.

Cawthorn likes to lie and claim the accident derailed his Naval Academy acceptance and military career.  But, Cawthorn never wanted to serve in the Navy, not the USN anyway, maybe the Kriegsmarine,

Since then Cawthorn admitted he was recruited and made an asset by his ex-wife an FSB agent.  So naturally he's flinging Putin's propaganda war here in the United States. 

Maddy Cawthorn wore his best Brown Shirt for Jan6th
Indeed in some of his first public acts, was to incite the riotous Jan6th rightwing mob to disrupted the transition of power and "lightly threaten members of Congress" into overthrowing the US government. 

North Carolina residents unhappy with having Nazi Goon Cawthorn in office, filed an objection and attempted to have him removed from a ballot for his sedition and insurrection but were told by Trump Judge Dick Myers the Second that removing Mad Nazi Cawthorn meant Trump supporters would be justified in shooting Democrats to win elections, 

"The federal court is tasked with protecting the soap box, the ballot box and the jury box.  And when these fail, people proceed to the ammunition box."

It is incomprehensible to me that a Federal Judge would use such language in a ruling.  But, Fascism is on the March and Authoritarians are more and more willing to be open about their goals.

So, it should come with no surprise in this video obtained of FSB asset Mad Nazi Cawthorn willingly pumping Putin's propaganda directly into a Tarheel town hall, 

“Zelenskyy is a thug. Remember that the Ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and is incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies.”

The GOP aren't a Fifth Column or Useful Idiots for Vlad Putin, they are a fully fascist death-cult which is not satisfied until they've ground down the American people into pliant docile servants, while millions of Others are reduced to Second Class Citizens living on a knife's edge of fear that an agent of the State or a firearm packing white rightwinger will visit violence upon them at a whim.

Conservatives see a valuable ally in Putin in their agenda to destroy liberal democracies across the Globe, Nightly Fucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham et al craft shows which repeat Vladimir Putin's attacks liberalism, Multiculturalism and human rights or Viktor Orban's call to destroy and replace western-style democracy with Authoritarianism, and thousands of right-wingers online cut-and-paste, propagate, and absorb, across every social media forum they infect, this Fascist Revival.

They want an authoritarian ethno-state in bed with the American church that will let them steal everything not nailed down while putting the iron boot firmly on the people they hate. Old Man Shadow


  1. When will you Asinine Progressives wake up to the Fact ghat this ALL IS ON JOEY BIDEN.
    Trump hasn’t been in office for 15 months. And you IDIOTS just can’t get yourselves to admit that you Elected A Moron. A sink, senile, delusional, vegetable and a Cackling Moron to be his Vice President!

  2. One of the key elements of fascism, and all Republicans and conservatives are fascists, is that their enemies are both too strong and too weak simultaneously. Hence President Biden is senile while also pulling off the greatest election theft. Unfortunately, while conservatives are also cowards and stupid fascism thrives on those attributes.
