Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Endless Childhood afforded White Rightwing Males

To sleep, perchance to dream...

As the horror of more mass shootings rocks America, we are confronted with the problem of the white power rhetoric coming from the racist traitor in the White House, but as several others have pointed out, such violent racism didn't start with Trump, he just opened the valves on the open sewer of rightwing angry and hatred.

Now where did that anger come from? It’s the anger of petulant entitled children, the rage of swaddled supremacists who expect reality to bend to their will instead of adhering to the new reality. 

America's childhood was supposed to have ended years ago. Now for some groups, women, minorities, LGBTQ, they never had a blissful childhood and have always known oppression, intolerance, and violence from America, but white men in the United States have been blessed by perpetual adolescence.

Conservatives are always provided the benefit of “youthful indiscretions” as Henry Hyde, Newt Gingrich were excused for their sexual indiscretions while rabidly pursuing Bill Clinton or when a 40 year old Donald Trump Jr was excused of committing treason when he meet with Russian intelligence operatives.

Even horrific events; Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor, Vietnam, Columbine, 9/11, while considered the End of Innocence were but brief nightmares before white men settled back in their comfortable childhood.
But, the real end of white male coddling started when the federal government began to respect and protect minorities and women earnestly in the 1960s. All of a sudden "equality" wasn't reserved for white males anymore.

And Republicans began tapping into the simmering discontent right away. #MAGA is just the latest in the long line of rightwing slogans targeting the anger white men feel as they see the world change from a playground which solely exists for their use and comfort to a diverse realm were other people enjoy rights. As if often noted when you've been accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

But, these angry conservatives were no longer content with sly allusions and dog whistles of racism pioneered by Lee Atwater and his ilk. Trump broke the damn apart and actively played into every fear and resentment white men have nursed as they emerged from their adolescent slumber.
  • He pointed out that Kaepernick didn't know his place.
  • He highlighted changing demographics caused by immigration. The “invasion rhetoric” Trump adopted and used thousands of times at his Hatriot Rallies. 
  • He smeared and slandered disgusting women; i.e. those whom he couldn't fuck or intimidate. He bedded the beautiful ones, with or without their consent.
  • He literally humped the flag and adopted a swaggering jingoism which only a child would believe to be patriotism.
  • He promised them winning. But, more importantly he promised them a return to their idyllic childhood.

Well Trump has not delivered. He has not plugged them back into the Matrix and unpilled them as they so eagerly desire. So they are violently lashing out as petulant children are wont to do.

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