Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Race Baiting Rick Santorum meant what Racist Reagan said about "Black Peoples"

What? Republican Racism.

Just before his Iowa Showing Sick Rantorum commented, "I don’t want to make --black-- people’s lives better by giving them other people’s money.”

Santorum did mumble (stumble?) around the word "black", but listening to his speech it's clear what meme Rick was man-on-dog whistling.

What Santorum really was saying (cue Ronnie Raygun impression), 'My Fellow White Americans we must stop those Big Muscular Young Bucks from eating Steak and then jumping into their Welfare Queen's Cadillac all on your dime.' Because the idea conservatives gleamed from Nixon and had fully incorporated under Reagan and George W. Bush was the Southern Strategy. That by scaring the White folk about the Blacks is a winning election strategy. CBS News offered up the statistic that 84% of the Iowans on food stamps are "white", while 9% are "black" over a 9-to-1 ratio.

But, Conservatives are disgusting unabashed bigots. Their entire Modern Edifice is built on the foundation of Rank Bigotry and Blatant Racism. Everyday there is a revelation of a Republican sending out a racist email or a conservative propounding a bigoted "theory". But, Mainstream Media does not cover the Right's shocking Racism, most likely, under the guise of not stooping to such base reporting. Of course, this allows the average duped ignorant conservative the false moral high ground of declaring Faux News, Tea Party and Republican Racism as being totally non-existent. Leaving right-wingers the freedom to proclaim, 'I wish stupid liberals would show me one example, Just One Example, of right wing racism. Harumph!'

Dumb Ass liberals, believing the conservative to be seeking an honest debate agree and provide the evidence only to have the conservatives change the parameters and continue on that charges of Racism against Republicans are all made up smear tactics of evil leftists.

Meanwhile, Faux News has spent hundreds of segments race-baiting the same single 30 second clip of 2 New Black Panther Party Members which they've run thousands of times. What? Republican Racism?
Kansas House Speaker Mike O’Neal sent an email before Christmas that compared Michelle Obama to the Dr. Seuss character The Grinch. The subject line of the email reads "Twins separated at birth?" It includes side-by-side pictures of Michelle Obama and the Grinch with similarly windswept hair. The forwarded part of the email reads, "I'm sure you'll join me in wishing Mrs. YoMama a wonderful, long Hawaii Christmas vacation".


  1. When you very much mean to say 'black people' but realize how bad that will sound to a national audience a second late, your lips make a funny sound. Not that that has anything to do with your post. As you were.

  2. Most correct toma. Right-wingers were falling over themselves, claiming he said "bleaurgh peoples" or some such nonsense ala Billy Crystal from The Princess Bride.

  3. National Review Online proved me correct by claiming Sick Rantorum was saying "bli" and then moved on to "peoples lives".
