Saturday, January 16, 2010

Repeal It!

If You Can't Eat It Or Fuck It...
Then Kill It!
~ Sex and Violence, Carnivore (the predecessor to Type O Negative)
The Repeal It Pledge:

"I hereby pledge that if any federal health care takeover is passed in 2010, I will support - with my time, money, and vote - only candidates who pledge to support its repeal and replacement with real reforms that lower health care costs without growing government."

And Republican Congress members and candidates have signed on. But, do you know what's not included in the Repeal It Pledge? Why Congress members immediate pledge to destroy The Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program. Amazing.

Sure, you poor slobs out there have to pay outrageous insurance premiums, have no choice in which company provides you with coverage, face loss of coverage at the whim of bureaucrats but the Republicans in Congress can choose a TAX PAYER FUNDED FEDERALLY RUN INSURANCE Program.

And Republicans in Congress not only get an inexpensive Federal plan but the following perks as well: individualized special treatment at federal medical facilities and access to their own pharmacy with doctors, nurses and medical technicians standing by in an office located between the House and Senate chambers.

So, why can't regular Americans enjoy the same treatment? Why do the Republicans in Government believe themselves to be a privileged aristocracy?

Well, the answer is simple Republicans Hate Americans and want them to Die. Republicans especially love when Americans die in service to The Republican Party or when Republicans advance into positions of power.


  1. Gene,
    I guess it's the "I got mine screw you" phenomenon.

  2. Sadly, Oso, for the evil Republican Party it's also "I Got Mine but Screw You I Want Yours as Well" pathology.

  3. I see the usual bunch of ass-holes have now flocked to this cesspool.

  4. Yes, Leo Grabowski, it is unfortunate that Republicans continue to exist. The Conservative movement is a dying wounded elephant. Very Dangerous and determined to inflict as much harm upon the American People as possible.

    Hopefully, the Republicans have not brow beaten enough of their abused supporters into voting for a evil Right Wing Party which hates and wants to Kill as many americans as possible.

  5. From Anonymous:

    As a white heterosexual male, I feel like I belong to one of the more abused ethnic groups in this country today.

    Incredible, the damage Fox News can do to your brain? Despite your ignorance and obtuse racism you are a pitiable human...

  6. I'm laughing my ass of at what a stupid blog and blogger this nut-job is.
    Tell me did you fall on your head when you were a baby?

  7. Grung_e_Gene said...

    Yes, Leo Grabowski, it is unfortunate that Republicans continue to exist. The Conservative movement is a dying wounded elephant. Very Dangerous and determined to inflict as much harm upon the American People as possible.

    Well we will see about that on Wednesday, after the Massachusetts election.

  8. Right Klick/Wrong Mind,

    Humans who are intellectually out of depth in conversations use laughter to cover their astounding ignorance.

    Enjoy that thought, though I doubt you have the mental capacity to enjoy thought...

    Also your unoriginal rip-off insult based on an Anthrax song is duly noted. Conservatives have no originality as well as no intellect.

  9. So why didn't the democrats, who control everything, simply give us all the same plan they have?

    Could it be possible that democratic politicians are also part of the "let them eat cake" privileged political oligarchy?

  10. SF

    So why didn't the democrats, who control everything, simply give us all the same plan they have?

    And here we have the basic problem. Who is saying No, who will not vote for Healthcare coverage for all Americans. Who will repeal any bill passed? The Republicans.

    And why? Well SF, it appears those against giving the best coverage to the American People possible are controlled by the Health Insurance Industry which wants to continue making profits on denying and killing Americans. And since it's been shown in votes no Republicans is going to vote for healthcare for Americans, therefore, the Republicans are defending an industry which profits on the deaths of Americans.

    That's it.

  11. OK, let me get this straight... The Republicans are in bed with the insurance industry...

    So why are the insurance execs cutting deals with Obama and funding his initiatives?

    Rovert Kuttner is mad as hell about this:

    If you replaced "Republicans" with "Politicians" I would agree with you. The sooner everybody sees this is a bi-partisan, constitution-ignoring screwing we're getting, the quicker we can solve it.
