Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Conservatives are Criminals (Watergate Jr)

From War Criminals responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, like Dick Cheney, to bumbling low level buffoons, like James O'Keefe, who apparently believe reading a few Ian Fleming novels and watching The Chinese Connection would endow them with the ability tap phones and bug a US Senator's office.

But, while it is axiomatic that all Conservatives are Criminals the only thing I have yet to determine is whether Conservatives are criminals due to learned behavior (from being around and imitating other Conservatives) or is it a genetic variant that Conservatives possess which draws them to being criminals.

Of course, flabby chicken hawk Andrew Breitbart who employs James O'Keefe is busy conducting damage control and defending his protege. The comments from Bretibart's vegetative criminal punk ass bitch conservative troglodytes clearly indicate that no matter the criminal act, Conservatives will always defend their criminal co-conspirators.

The best comments are those declaring 'O'Keefe can't possibly be this stupid.' Well, yes he can. Just like the young conservative lady, who scratched a 'B' into her cheek and lied claiming an Black Obama Goon held her down and cut it into her face conservatives are actively ignorant and violently stupid and they lie all the time.

Updated Again:
I think since there is much we don't know [from Raw Story: Links to Intel Community] about the break-in by the 4 cowardly conservative criminals, the only way to determine the truth is to water board them. Because Water boarding is akin to the prank they pulled it should be used to figure out what's going on. This case (since it has the potential to involve espionage charges) may also warrant Enhanced Interrogation Techniques.

If O'Keefe, Dai, Basel, and Flanagan have nothing to hide then they have nothing to fear from the interrogators.

Updated one last time:
James O'Keefe graduated from Rutgers in 2006, how come we aren't reading about how he joined the Corps and served nobly in Iraq during the Surge? Ohhh, that's right as a Conservative he is a natural coward and chicken hawk...

'Andrew Breitbart' admits paying 'James O'Keefe' to commit Felonies


  1. I vote for genetics. The dangers of inbreeding have been known since ancient times, and yet, they continue to persist with it.

  2. Gene you should edit this post to include this:


    Oct. 7, 2009, A resolution introduced in the House to honor James O'Keefe-said pimp
    Hannah Giles-said prostitute

    they displayed exemplary actions as government watchdogs to uncover wasteful spending by the government.

    this resolution has 31 Rethuglican co-sponsors

  3. Don't forget that that great think tank, The Cato Institute also honored him...

    I still can't get over the way the two were dressed...

  4. If you talk to cops, you will find out that one of the first defenses of petty criminals when they are caught is "I would never do anything so stupid." Well, from what I can tell, being stupid is one of the most common characteristics of criminals, at least on the petty level of this guy.

    By the way, Mary Landrieu is on the Defense and Homeland Security committee. I think attempting to tap her phone could easily be prosecuted as espionage.

    Oops, how stupid of me- he's a conservative. So, I guess he's a great patriot.

  5. I vote for learned behavior. He was following the example of Nixon.

  6. Factoring in the addition of 3 other 20 something conservative punks, Stan Dai, Joseph Basel, whom Breitbart calls "pranksters", and Robert Flanagan the son of the shoe-horned in acting U.S. Attorney for Louisiana.

    I'm of the opinion these 4 have learned this behavior from older more seasoned conservative criminals.

    And the only way to determine the truth is to water board them. Because Water boarding is akin to the prank they pulled so it should be used to figure out what's going on. This case (since it has the potential to involve espionage charges) may also warrant Enhanced Interrogation Techniques.

    If O'Keefe, Dai, Basel, and Flanagan have nothing to hide then they have nothing to fear from the interrogators.
